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House of Travel and House of the electrical industry

Year Built:

1971 and 1969


Roland Korn ; Johannes Brieske and Heinz Mehlan ; Emil Leibold



Two buildings in one shot. On the right is the former 'House of Travel', which as its name implied, housed the state agency responsible for arranging travels within and without the GDR. The building also hosted the headquarters of the state airlines 'Interflug'. Initially destined to be demolished after the Reunification, the high-rise was eventually spared and is now a listed monument. More information on the stunning artwork near the entrance can be found in the 'Public Art' section.
On the left can be seen the former 'House of the Electrical Industry' ('Haus der Elektroindustrie'). This building, notable for its length, is likely to be demolished in the near future.


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