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Forsaken Modernity is live!

Today marks officially the launch of Forsaken Modernity. As the present website is a massive work in progress, you will see that only seventeen ‘Eastern’ countries are covered for now, but expect more to come very soon. Likewise, the ‘Articles’ section is rather empty for the moment since the focus was set on developing the database first before dedicating time to the writing of articles. The database will be continuously enriched with new content, while more articles are planed to be released in the coming months. 

Several pages have yet to be completed and thus cannot be reached. I will work in priority to make these available as soon as possible.

What to expect next? 

The database will be massively expanded with the addition of new entries in the already-existing locations. Besides, new countries and cities will be added shortly. Here is a provisional list: 

- Bulgaria (Sofia)

- Austria (Vienna)

- Germany (West Berlin) 

- France (Nantes, Angers, Pau, Bretagne)

- Hungary

- Katowice in Poland

In the meantime, do not hesitate to share your thoughts on the project with me via the Contact form at the bottom of the page. As I run Forsaken Modernity entirely on my own, any feedback from you is greatly appreciated!



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